
Global Vaccine Market Report - 2020

SARS-CoV-2 has impacted health and immunization systems around the world

since early 2020 and is likely to alter vaccine markets for several years. This

report, based on country-reported purchase data from 2019, cannot yet show

the impact of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on vaccine markets. The 2020 Global

Vaccine Market Report summarizes the state of the global vaccine market in 2019

to serve as a baseline against which impacts, captured in future editions of the

report, can be compared.

This report covers: 1. Collection of Global Vaccine Market Information, 2. Global

Market Volumes, 3. Vaccine Supply Dynamics, 4. Vaccine Prices, 5. Vaccine

Regulation, 6. Vaccine Stockouts & Shortages, 7. Global Market Value.


  • English

Publication year







  • Global initiatives


  • World Health Organisation (WHO)


  • MI4A
  • Planning, budgeting and financing

Topic references


Global Market Study: BCG Vaccine - May 2019World Health Organization (WHO)2019ReportEnglish
Global Market Study: Diphtheria and tetanus-containing vaccines - 2019World Health Organization (WHO)2019ReportEnglish
Global Market Study: HPV - 2020World Health Organization (WHO)2020ReportEnglish
Global Market Study: Human Rabies vaccines - 2020World Health Organization (WHO)2020ReportEnglish
Global Market Study: Measles-containing vaccines (MCV) - 2020World Health Organization (WHO)2020ReportEnglish
Global Market Study: Meningococcal meningitis vaccines - 2019World Health Organization (WHO)2019ReportEnglish
Global Market Study: Pneumococcal Conjugate (PCV) and Polysaccharide (PPV) vaccines - 2020World Health Organization (WHO)2020ReportEnglish
Global Market Study: Typhoid vaccines - 2020World Health Organization (WHO)2020ReportEnglish
Global Vaccine Market Report - 2020World Health Organization (WHO)2020ReportEnglish
MI4A Project OverviewWorld Health Organization (WHO)GuidanceEnglish
MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data for Countries - 2022World Health Organization (WHO)DatasheetEnglish
Vaccine Price Report - 2017World Health Organization (WHO)2017ReportEnglish
Vaccine Pricing: Gavi Fully Self Financing and Accelerated Transition CountriesWorld Health Organization (WHO)2018ReportEnglish