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Event Information
Event Title:
Event Date / Time:

16th May, 2018 4:00PM


16th May, 2018 6:00PM

Event Description:
93 apprenants de 22 pays vont recevoir leur certification OMS SPMVS après avoir terminé le cours Scholar. Assistez à cette cérémonie pour écouter en direct la présentation des plans d'action et les témoignages des apprenants.

100 participants from 21 countries were selected by the World Health Organization to develop peer-reviewed activity planning using the Global Routine Immunization Strategies and Practices (GRISP). 93 of them completed activity plans in 6 weeks and they will be presenting these plans during Commencement Exercises where WHO will award certificates of completion.

Join François Gasse, Philippe Jaillard, Jhilmil Bahl and others from the World Health Organization for this exceptional event.

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