
Reflections on intersections between HPV vaccination and HIV prevention and care programs: Findings from Key Informant Interviews

In 2023, the International Vaccine Access Center (IVAC) at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health conducted a series of key informant interviews (KIIs) to identify important facilitators and potential barriers to nationwide HPV vaccine implementation in Indonesia. The goal was to examine the role of vaccine advocacy and identify advocacy strategies that may move HPV vaccination forward. Interviews were conducted with stakeholders who represent a wide range of organizations and authorities in Indonesia.


  • English

Publication year





  • Service delivery


  • HPV


  • Indonesia


  • International Vaccine Access Center (IVAC)

WHO Regions

  • South-East Asia Region

Topic references


Bangladesh HPV Vaccination IEC BannerPATH, Ministry of Health, Bangladesh2023Poster/infographicBengali
Bangladesh HPV Vaccination IEC InfographicGavi, the Vaccine Alliance, PATH, UNICEF, Ministry of Health, Bangladesh, World Health Organization (WHO)2023Poster/infographicBengali
Bangladesh HPV Vaccination IEC Poster 1Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, UNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO), PATH, Ministry of Health, Bangladesh2023Poster/infographicBengali
Bangladesh HPV Vaccination IEC Poster 2PATH, UNICEF, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, World Health Organization (WHO), Ministry of Health, Bangladesh2023Poster/infographicBengali
BannerMinistry of Health, Senegal2018PresentationFrench
Communication PlanMinistry of Health, Senegal2016GuidanceFrench
Communications workplan and timelineMinistry of Health, Tanzania2018ToolEnglish
FlyerMinistry of Health, Senegal2018PresentationFrench
Girl focus toolkit HPV campaign resourceGirl Effect2020User guideFrench
HPV Communications StrategyMinistry of Health, Tanzania2018GuidanceEnglish
HPV Fact SheetMinistry of Health, Tanzania2018PresentationSwahili
HPV Fact SheetMinistry of Health and Child Care, Zimbabwe2018ToolEnglish
HPV FAQsMinistry of Health and Child Care, Zimbabwe2018PresentationEnglish
HPV Flyer, SenegalMinistry of Health, Senegal2018PresentationFrench
HPV Key MessagesMinistry of Health and Child Care, Zimbabwe2018PresentationEnglish
HPV vaccination information leaflet, NHS EnglandNHSGuidanceEnglish
HPV vaccination leaflet. Sir LankaMinistry of Health, Sri Lanka2017GuidanceEnglish
HPV Vaccination Program BannerMinistry of Health, Tanzania2018PresentationSwahili
HPV Vaccination: A Guide for Planning and Designing Demand Promotion InterventionsUNICEF2024User guideEnglish
HPV Vaccine LeafletMinistry of Health, Tanzania2018PresentationSwahili
HPV vaccine posterMinistry of Health, Tanzania2018PresentationSwahili
PosterMinistry of Health, Senegal2018PresentationFrench
Reflections on intersections between HPV vaccination and HIV prevention and care programs: Findings from Key Informant InterviewsInternational Vaccine Access Center (IVAC)2023ReportEnglish
The Vital Role of Communities: Experience from Human Papillomavirus Vaccination in TanzaniaJSI Research & Training Institute2020ReportEnglish
Tire CoverMinistry of Health, Tanzania2018PresentationSwahili
Zimbabwe Communication PlanMinistry of Health and Child Care, Zimbabwe2019Case studyEnglish


Consent formMinistry of Health, SeychellesToolEnglish
Daily HPV Summary SheetMinistry of Health and Child Care, Zimbabwe2018ToolEnglish
Final report quick assessment of out-of-school children outreach at health office and health center levels: Manado City, Gunung Kidul, and KediriRilia Maristela2023ReportEnglish
HPV Field GuideMinistry of Health and Child Care, ZimbabweGuidanceEnglish
HPV vaccination Card MozambiqueMinistry of Health, Mozambique2015ToolPortuguese
HPV Vaccination Card SenegalMinistry of Health, Senegal2018ToolFrench
HPV Vaccination Card TanzaniaMinistry of Health, Tanzania2018ToolSwahili
HPV vaccination card ZimbabweMinistry of Health and Child Care, Zimbabwe2018ToolEnglish
HPV VACCINATION IN MALAWI: Lessons Learned from JSI’s Experience Supporting Vaccine Introduction and RoutinizationJSI Research & Training Institute2021ReportEnglish
HPV vaccination Invitation letterDepartment of Health, South Africa, Department of Basic Education, South Africa2014ToolEnglish
HPV Vaccination Tally SheetMinistry of Health and Child Care, Zimbabwe2018ToolEnglish
HPV Vaccine and Integrated Service Recording FormMinistry of Health, Tanzania2019ToolSwahili
HPV Vaccine and Integrated Services Tally SheetMinistry of Health, Tanzania2019ToolSwahili
HPV vaccine Information resourcesHealth Service Executive (HSE)RepositoryEnglish
HPV Vaccine Introduction in Nigeria: A Review of lessons-learned by 16 phase 1 statesJSI Research & Training Institute, CHAI2023ReportEnglish
Integration of other services with human papillomavirus vaccination; lessons from earlier in the life course highlight the need for new policy and implementation evidence☆Christopher Morgan, Mary Rose Giattas, Taylor A. Holroyd, Anne Pfitzer, Danielle Engel, Anissa Sidibe, Megan Holloway, Paul Bloem, Rebecca Fields, Lora Shimp, Somesh Kumar2021Journal articleEnglish
LESSONS LEARNED: HPV VACCINE NATIONWIDE INTRODUCTION IN ZIMBABWEGovernment of Zimbabwe, JSI Research & Training Institute2018ReportEnglish
Nigeria HPV introduction Phase 1:​ Summary of Key Achievements and Early Lessons Learned​JSI Research & Training Institute, CHAI2023PresentationEnglish
Nigeria HPV TWG Functionality Matrix ToolJSI Research & Training Institute, CHAI2023ToolEnglish
Out-Of-School Pilot Project: Indonesia Country Report by DistrictsLili Nur Indah Sari, Rilia M. Wenas, Denny H. Wicaksono, Yoel Setiawan, CHAI2023ReportEnglish
Pilot Project: Strategy to reach out-of-school girls with HPV vaccination in IndonesiaCHAI2024ReportEnglish
Reaching Out-of-School Girls for HPV Vaccination in Indonesia: Pilot Project ​PresentationCHAI2024PresentationEnglish
Reflections on intersections between HPV vaccination and HIV prevention and care programs: Findings from Key Informant InterviewsInternational Vaccine Access Center (IVAC)2023ReportEnglish
Report of Subnational rapid assessment on Phase I learnings JSI Research & Training Institute, CHAI2023PresentationEnglish
Resource Guide for Strengthening HPV Vaccination Service DeliveryJSI Research & Training Institute2023User guideEnglish
School health screening and Immunization consent formMoE/MoHToolEnglish
Zimbabwe age calculator table toolMinistry of Health and Child Care, Zimbabwe2018ToolEnglish

Added by: Clarice Lee

Added on: 2024-11-20 15:35:30

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