
The Vital Role of Communities: Experience from Human Papillomavirus Vaccination in Tanzania

This brief describes the process and JSI’s technical assistance (TA) for HPV vaccine roll-out, community mobilization, training of stakeholders at all levels, and policy and planning activities.


  • English

Publication year





  • Service delivery


  • HPV


  • United Republic Of Tanzania


  • Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance
  • John Snow, Inc (JSI)

WHO Regions

  • African Region

Topic references


Bangladesh HPV Vaccination IEC BannerPATH, Ministry of Health, Bangladesh2023Poster/infographicBengali
Bangladesh HPV Vaccination IEC InfographicGavi, the Vaccine Alliance, PATH, UNICEF, Ministry of Health, Bangladesh, World Health Organization (WHO)2023Poster/infographicBengali
Bangladesh HPV Vaccination IEC Poster 1Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, UNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO), PATH, Ministry of Health, Bangladesh2023Poster/infographicBengali
Bangladesh HPV Vaccination IEC Poster 2PATH, UNICEF, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, World Health Organization (WHO), Ministry of Health, Bangladesh2023Poster/infographicBengali
BannerMinistry of Health, Senegal2018PresentationFrench
Communication PlanMinistry of Health, Senegal2016GuidanceFrench
Communications workplan and timelineMinistry of Health, Tanzania2018ToolEnglish
FlyerMinistry of Health, Senegal2018PresentationFrench
Girl focus toolkit HPV campaign resourceGirl Effect2020User guideFrench
HPV Communications StrategyMinistry of Health, Tanzania2018GuidanceEnglish
HPV Fact SheetMinistry of Health, Tanzania2018PresentationSwahili
HPV Fact SheetMinistry of Health and Child Care, Zimbabwe2018ToolEnglish
HPV FAQsMinistry of Health and Child Care, Zimbabwe2018PresentationEnglish
HPV Flyer, SenegalMinistry of Health, Senegal2018PresentationFrench
HPV Key MessagesMinistry of Health and Child Care, Zimbabwe2018PresentationEnglish
HPV vaccination information leaflet, NHS EnglandNHSGuidanceEnglish
HPV vaccination leaflet. Sir LankaMinistry of Health, Sri Lanka2017GuidanceEnglish
HPV Vaccination Program BannerMinistry of Health, Tanzania2018PresentationSwahili
HPV Vaccination: A Guide for Planning and Designing Demand Promotion InterventionsUNICEF2024User guideEnglish
HPV Vaccine LeafletMinistry of Health, Tanzania2018PresentationSwahili
HPV vaccine posterMinistry of Health, Tanzania2018PresentationSwahili
PosterMinistry of Health, Senegal2018PresentationFrench
Reflections on intersections between HPV vaccination and HIV prevention and care programs: Findings from Key Informant InterviewsInternational Vaccine Access Center (IVAC)2023ReportEnglish
The Vital Role of Communities: Experience from Human Papillomavirus Vaccination in TanzaniaJSI Research & Training Institute2020ReportEnglish
Tire CoverMinistry of Health, Tanzania2018PresentationSwahili
Zimbabwe Communication PlanMinistry of Health and Child Care, Zimbabwe2019Case studyEnglish


Bolivia HPV technical guidelines (lineamientos)Ministerio de Salud y Deportes, Bolivia2017GuidanceSpanish
Calculadora de costes de la vacuna del VPHPATH2022ToolSpanish
Calculateur du coût du vaccin anti-HPVPATH2022ToolFrench
Guia Informativo: vacinaçao contra o HPVMinistério da Saúde, Brasil2013ToolPortuguese
Guide du vaccinateur VPHGuidanceFrench
HPV Guidelines for vaccinatorsMinistry of Community Development, Mother and Child Health, ZambiaGuidanceEnglish
HPV Introduction Guide (MWONGOZO WA MCHANJAJI)Ministry of Health, Tanzania2018GuidanceSwahili
HPV Vaccination: A Guide for Planning and Designing Demand Promotion InterventionsUNICEF2024User guideEnglish
HPV Vaccine Cost CalculatorPATH2022ToolEnglish
HPV vaccine delivery through a controlled temperature chainWorld Health Organization (WHO)2023GuidanceEnglish
HPV Vaccine Integration Readiness Assessment ChecklistMinistry of Health, Tanzania2020ToolEnglish
HPV vaccine introduction guideMinistry of Health, Tanzania2018GuidanceEnglish
Lineamientos tecnicos vacuna HPVMinisterio de Salud y Protección Social, ColombiaToolEnglish
Manual del vacunadorMinisterio de Salud, Argentina2016ToolSpanish
National Cervical Cancer Elimination Plan for Indonesia 2023-2030Ministry of Health, Indonesia2023GuidanceEnglish
Nigeria HPV Pre Introduction Readiness Dashboard JSI Research & Training Institute, CHAI2023ToolEnglish
Resource Guide for Strengthening HPV Vaccination Service DeliveryJSI Research & Training Institute2023User guideEnglish
Senegal Plan d’introduction du Vaccin contre le Virus du Papillome HumainMinistry of Health, Senegal2016Case studyFrench
Tanzania HPV microplanning toolsMinistry of Health, Tanzania2018ToolEnglish
Tanzania HPV Vaccine Roll Out PlanMinistry of Health, Tanzania2018ToolEnglish
The Vital Role of Communities: Experience from Human Papillomavirus Vaccination in TanzaniaJSI Research & Training Institute2020ReportEnglish
Zimbabwe District Microplanning Tool for HPVMinistry of Health and Child Care, Zimbabwe2018ToolEnglish
Zimbabwe HPV Vaccine Introduction Readiness Assessment QuestionnairesMinistry of Health and Child Care, Zimbabwe2018ToolEnglish
Zimbabwe Provincial Macroplanning Tool for HPVMinistry of Health and Child Care, Zimbabwe2018ToolEnglish

Added by: Clarice Lee

Added on: 2024-10-30 15:14:11

Hits: 116

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