7th EYE Strategy annual partners' meeting



Dear colleagues and partners, 

We are looking forward to you joining us in and from Addis Ababa next week.

To join the meeting via Zoom, please use the following link and information:

Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/95776109305

Meeting ID: 957 7610 9305

Passcode: 455158

You will be asked to fill out a few details about yourself to access the meeting (this will take no longer than 30 seconds). Please update your Zoom software before joining the meeting, as this will help to avoid any access issues.


A copy of the agenda can be downloaded by clicking here. Please note the agenda is subject to change. 


Interpretation will be from English into French, Spanish, and Portuguese. Instructions on how to select interpretation on Zoom can be downloaded here.

We have speakers who will present in French, Spanish, and Portuguese – these presentations are marked in the agenda. To hear the translations from these languages into English, you will need to switch to French, Spanish, or Portuguese interpretation in Zoom.

A reminder and instructions before these sessions will be provided by the MC or Chair.

There will be plenty of opportunities for remote participants to put your questions to the speakers, and we encourage you to be as actively involved in the meeting as possible.

If you have any questions, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

See you next week!

Together. In our lifetime. We will eliminate yellow fever epidemics.


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