ZOOM EYE webinar: Go.Data yellow fever outbreak investigation template

We take great pleasure in inviting you to our next Eliminate Yellow Fever (EYE) Epidemics webinar. Please note this webinar will be held on Zoom not Teams. Please find below some further information on the content of the webinar. An agenda will follow shortly. 


To register for this webinar, please follow this link: https://who.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAscuuoqz0uGd233cP5TH_-_dA8a4EjFzye 




You are invited to a Zoom meeting. 
When: Dec 7, 2021 02:00 PM London 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


Webinar details:


  • To inform about the Go.Data platform and the yellow fever outbreak template
  • To inform the EYE network of the learning strategy
  • To inform the EYE network of specific opportunities for training, learning and development

Background on Go.Data

Go.Data is an outbreak response tool developed by the World Health Organization in collaboration with Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN) partners.

The Go.Data platform is comprehensive and free for use by Member States and partners to support and facilitate field-level outbreak response activities. It includes functionality for case investigation, contact follow up and visualization of chains of transmission. 

Yellow fever template

The Go:Data Yellow Fever Outbreak Template is designed to enable rapid and standardized set-up of field data collection parameters for investigation and contact tracing during yellow fever outbreaks. The template is aligned with the most recent WHO and partners’ outbreak investigation guidelines for yellow fever, and will help in collecting and managing information from cases, including laboratory information, hospitalization data and other variables. The validated outbreak can be generated in a matter of minutes for data collection by field surveillance officers.