Sunday, 15 January 2017
  2 Replies
  12.2K Visits

Dear viewers

In-spite of rapid progress in e-media, offline Home Based Record (HBR) has an important role in all the countries. WHO supports local innovation for sustenance as 6th and 5th principles of GVAP (Global Vaccination Action Plan).

After reading the outcome indicators of a project, we developed a user-friendly card. Service providers at the field level can easily document the essential data of two mothers in the front page, compile and transmit in the monthly report for performance review. This card acts as a dual checklist: a) service providers to provide essential services timely, b) beneficiaries to avail the service timely. This greatly minimizes the fatigue of grass-root level service providers and the time saved can be devoted for providing quality service.

Expertise in this field is free to contribute additional points for further fine tuning. On the back page of the card, additional lines are provided for writing important notes / instructions / advices and also the vaccination status of their child(ren) - not meant for issuing to the beneficiary.

Warm regards

Holla and team

8 years ago

Dear Holla,

Very interesting description of the healthcare worker focused work/job aid. Thank you for sharing.

Just one point of clarification for other readers of this posting. Holla has placed HBR in quotation marks, and this (presumably) was done with purpose. It is important that records such as this healthcare worker focused document not be confused with home-based records (HBRs) (e.g., vaccination cards, child health books), which are personal health records issued to parents or caregivers and maintained in the household. The vocabulary used is indeed important and we do not want to insert confusion.

As always, please refer to andwww.immunizationcards.orgfor recent updates on acitivity related to revitalizing the home-based record as a critcial tool within immunization service delivery and an area in needed of more thoughtful consideration within immunization and health system strengthening investments.



8 years ago

Thank you David, your presumption is very correct, I will go through the link.



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