Sunday, 05 January 2020
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Dear all, I am a researcher at the University of Oxford working on a project to compare country vaccination policies worldwide and was wondering if you could help me with finding some information. Could you please tell me whether any of the vaccines recommended in the national immunisation schedule in your country are mandatory, such as in order to enter school? And do you know of any legislation on which this is based? I will of course acknowledge any contributions. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated! You can see in the map below I'm slowly starting to get country data but I still have some gaps. I intend this to be an open-access resource for people to provide the first comprehensive list of vaccination policies worldwide.

Kind regards, Samantha Vanderslott Dr Samantha Vanderslott Social Sciences Researcher, Oxford Vaccine Group 34 Broad St, OX1 3BD University of Oxford

4 years ago

Hi Carolina and Tarik,

Thank you for your helpful responses. I hadn't seen some of those references and also didn't know the EU mandatory info was available via that link. It is probably the Eastern Mediterranean and African regions where I am missing most information. Also for Chile and Columbia, it has been quite hard to establish the status of legislation/policy there. Any other pointers would be gratefully received, although this information has already been of use.

Best wishes,




Hello - you can find some recent publications on the topic. Good luck.

Dudley MZ, Privor-Dumm L, Dubé È, MacDonald NE. Words matter: Vaccine hesitancy, vaccine demand, vaccine confidence, herd immunity and mandatory vaccination. Vaccine. 2019 Dec 10. pii: S0264-410X(19)31598-1. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2019.11.056. [Epub ahead of print]

Harmon SHE, MacDonald NE. National immunization programme development and vaccine legislation. Vaccine. 2019 Dec 10;37(52):7527-7529. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2019.09.102. Epub 2019 Oct 15. No abstract available.

Trumbo SP, Silver D, Domenti O, Gasoyan H, Paatashvili E, Gellin BG, Gordon JL. Strengthening legal frameworks for vaccination: The experiences of Armenia, Georgia, and Moldova. Vaccine. 2019 Aug 14;37(35):4840-4847. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2018.10.069. Epub 2018 Nov 2.

MacDonald NE, Harmon S, Dube E, Steenbeek A, Crowcroft N, Opel DJ, Faour D, Leask J, Butler R. Mandatory infant & childhood immunization: Rationales, issues and knowledge gaps. Vaccine. 2018 Sep 18;36(39):5811-5818. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2018.08.042. Epub 2018 Aug 22. Review.

Trumbo SP, Janusz CB, Jauregui B, McQuestion M, Felix G, Ruiz-Matus C, Andrus JK, Quadros CD. Vaccination legislation in Latin America and the Caribbean. J Public Health Policy. 2013 Jan;34(1):82-99. doi: 10.1057/jphp.2012.66.

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