Wednesday, 07 September 2022
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The HISP Centre at the University of Oslo invites you to join us for the next webinar in our Gavi-supported DHIS2 for Immunization webinar series: DHIS2 Webinar on Data Use, Denominators and Immunization In this webinar, we will highlight how the HISP groups are addressing some of the less used approaches to obtaining population denominator data for use in immunization programs.

Presentations will include:

-- HISP researchers will share findings from a systematic review of how denominator data is used in practice, with a focus on less frequently used approaches that are the most likely to identify the excluded/zero dose populations

-- HISP Rwanda will present an update on their work linking CVRS and DHIS2 for vaccination in Rwanda

-- HISP Vietnam will share how the household community survey is used in DHIS2 in Laos to identify the excluded

This webinar will be hosted separately in English and French.

English: Wednesday, 28 September, from 14:00-15:00 CET (GMT+2) - Register here:

Français: Lundi 3 octobre de 14h00 à 15h30 (T.U) - Inscrivez-vous ici:

We hope you can join us for this online event!

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