Friday, 22 November 2019
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WER with recommendations from SAGE Oct 2019 was published today (attached). Below I highlight two areas related to immunization data use and quality.

Enjoy the reading,


“[Immunization Agenda 20330] IA2030 envisions a world in which “everyone, everywhere, at every age, fully benefits from vaccines for good health and well-being”. To achieve this vision, a balance is struck between a disease-specific and a systems approach, with commitment to existing goals for eradication and elimination, new goals for the next decade and alignment as closely as possible with the GVAP review. The 7 strategic priorities of the IA2030 framework are: 1) immunization for primary health care and universal health coverage, 2) commitment and demand, 3) coverage and equity, 4) life-course and integration, 5) outbreaks and emergencies, 6) supply and sustainability and 7) research and innovation. These priorities will be achieved on the basis of 4 core principles: people-focused, country-owned, partnership-based and data-enabled”


“SAGE endorsed the following recommendations:

  1. Embed monitoring of data quality into global, regional and national monitoring of the surveillance of immunization and [vaccine-preventable diseases] VPDs.
  2. Increase the capacity and capability of the workforce for ensuring data quality and use, starting at the level at which data are collected.
  3. Improve the accuracy of denominators.
  4. Enhance use of all available data for tailored action, including programme planning, management and decision-making.
  5. Adopt a data-driven continuous quality improvement approach as part of health system strengthening at all levels.
  6. Strengthen governance of the pilot-testing and use of new tools for collection and use of immunization and surveillance data.
  7. Improve data-sharing and knowledge management among areas and organizations for greater transparency and efficiency.
  8. WHO and UNICEF should strengthen global reporting and data monitoring through a periodic needs assessment and revision process.

These recommendations should be added to the IA2030, and regions and countries should include multi-component interventions for improving data quality and use in their regional 2021–2030 strategies. These recommendations should also be integrated into the broader efforts of [Universal Health Coverage] UHC and [Primary Health Care] PHC.”

Hi everyone! If you are interested in this post, you may also be interested in contributing for us to better understand how you think about data, data quality, data use and decision making in immunisation. We propose you a few questions and some scenarios to decide upon! If you would like to contribute that would be great. It will take you 15 minutes (20 if drinking coffee).

Apologies if multiple posted with this link to the questionnaire.

Xavier Bosch-Capblanch

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