I am the Child & Adolescent Immunizations Program Manager for Public Health - Seattle & King County in Seattle, WA, USA. Our program recieved funding through our state Department of Health to increase rates of immunization for the most impacted communities. One need we have heard consistenly from school nurses and community health providers is difficulty in understanding and interpreting immunization records from countries outside the U.S. so that the nurse/provider can ensure the child has either recieved all required/recommended vaccines or can get those they are missing. For many school nurses in particular, they are faced with the task of needing to enter immunization records into the statewide registry to ensure a child can attend school and making referrals to ensure children are up to date. They often need to do this alongside a lot of other disparate work for hundreds of children, with minimal training, experience or background.
My program is creating some support tools to help these nurses and providers in this pursuit. The resources will have three broad categories:
1. A clearinghouse of existing resources to support interpretation (e.g.: CDC's Pink Book)
2. 'Quick Reference Guides' for the countries we have identified as 'priority' - 1-2 page documents that include a comparison between the country's recommended immunization schedule and Washington's required vaccines for school entry, along with any important context about vaccine delivery in the country (e.g.: a vaccine is on the schedule but has not been widely available for many years in practice) These guides would be bound together on a key ring as a desk reference
3. Walk Through videos for each priority country that explains documents, provides photos of example documents, and explains additional context and tips for understanding records (e.g.: differences in how dates are written, common vaccines included in various conjugate products, etc)
The country's we have designated as priority, based on the greatest number of refugee and undocumented new arrivals in our area are:
I am coming to this forum to ask for:
-Photographs/scanned copies of various immunization documents from these countries, with identifiable information removed
-Geo-political or other country specific context impacting vaccine delivery
-Other immunization specific information that might impact how and what records look like for these countries
I welcome input and questions as well. I can be reached here, or contacted via e-mail directly at [email protected]
Thank you!
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