Sunday, 20 March 2016
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India in collaboration with development partners like WHO/UNICEF/USAID/MCHIP etc has made remarkable advances in the last ten years: introduction of Measles 2nd dose, HepB vaccine including Birth dose vaccine, JE 2 doses, Pentavalent vaccine, year 2012-13 declared as year of Intensified Routine Immunization, India with SEARO declared as Polio Free, launching of Mission Indradhanush – the flagship programme of India. Karnataka Piloted Immunogram in a difficult district in 2013.

India is now entering in to a new era of introducing Injectable Inactivated Polio Vaccine under routine Immunization from 1st April 2016 as part of Global Endgame Strategic Plan. India Expert Advisory Group, based on evidences recommends 2 fractional doses of 0.1ml intradermally at 6 and 14 weeks in selected States including Karnataka. Injectable vaccine has VVM on the label and MDVP / OVP is made applicable to minimize wastage, to be operated at all levels.


Globally immunization programme is rapidly expanding in

  1. covering more beneficiaries from newborn to the old through children, teenagers and pregnant;
  2. administering the doses close to the recommended schedule for timely attaining adequate immunity – jointly closing population immunity gap – an aspiration of WORLD;
  3. including more and more vaccines in the National Immunization Schedule on the basis of country specific epidemiology of Vaccine Preventable Diseases (VPDs), periodically reviewed and revised / upgraded by the Expert Advisory Group / Committees of the countries,
  4. World is convinced about the advantages of vaccination in preventing morbidity and mortality form VPDs like neonatal / puerperal tetanus, crippling polio & post encephalitic residual paralysis of JE, Diphtheria, Whooping cough, measles, childhood tuberculosis, pneumonias, diarrhoea, Varicella, herpes zoster, Ca cervix, HCC, rabies etc. World has witnessed Smallpox eradication, Polio at the verge of eradication, measles under elimination – others declining and under control.


  1. Expenditure of vaccination is increasing &
  2. Vaccine wastage is rising.


Countries all over the world expressed the concern to avoid “preventable wastage without compromising efficacy and safety” [WHO – MDVP 2014].

We wish to share the experiences of practically operationalizing MDVP / OVP guidelines in the attached planning unit - RHTC Sampaje in view of introduction of IPV in the country and the one page jobaid which we made in regional Kannada launguage, the same is now edited with new circular guideline, translated to english as suggetsed by consultants form ITSU also.

This may please be edited / corrected further by the viewers.


Narayana Holla

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