Tuesday, 20 September 2022
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You are invited to the launching of the manual Designing and Implementing Gridded Population Surveys, a manual with step-by-step tutorials for survey practitioners - See flyer to register or go here https://teams.microsoft.com/registration/2zWeD09UYE-9zF6kFubccA,Br5CidzRyEyk5fawxT_jcw,gtfS8ogAJkiW33HrpW5tLg,S996bwQlqEui3_IC03159w,Gdv_GJhmAUqhpNvVKCvTsg,rxtSWx5rl0WdkOHbu29xRg?mode=read&tenantId=0f9e35db-544f-4f60-bdcc-5ea416e6dc70&skipauthstrap=1

The session will provide guidance about the datasets and tools used in gridded population surveys, and reviews three real-world comparisons between traditional census surveys and gridded population surveys in Uruguay, Nigeria, and Nepal. Survey statisticians in government, the private sector, academia, and the non-profit sector should find this session informative whether or not they plan to use gridded population sampling.


Dana R ThomsonThe emphasis of Dr. Thomson research is identification of populations who are under-represented in household surveys and other official data, and development of tools and protocols to improve population data accuracy. Her research is focused on methods to address decay in LMIC survey accuracy due to major social shifts that have modified household configuration and behaviors over the last four decades, including urbanization and increased mobility. Dr. Thomson has helped to pioneer the field of gridded population sampling, and recently published a manual with step-by-step tutorials for Designing and Implementing Gridded Population Surveys.
Sarah Staveteig Ford (tentative)Sarah Staveteig Ford, Ph.D., is a statistician and technical advisor on international survey design and data analytics for the U.S. State Department. She has over twenty years of experience in survey design, mixed-methods research, and statistical analysis, including work experience in twenty countries. Prior to joining the State Department, she was a Senior Researcher at The Demographic and Health Surveys Program with Avenir Health, a Peccei Scholar at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Austria, and a Research Associate at the Urban Institute. Sarah earned her Ph.D. in demography and sociology from the University of California, Berkeley.
Micheal ImohiNational Bureau of Statistics, Nigeria. Imohi Michael started worked with the Bureau since 1986. He led various projects in the office, including on the Maternal and Perinatal Child Surveillance Response, Spotlight Initiative Gender Based Violence Analysis, national health accounts in collaboration with the EU-UN Nigeria. Retired in 2021 but continued to work with the Bureau after the retirement.
Dale RhodaFounder, Biostat Global Consulting. Dale has 35 years of professional research experience. He leads the team at Biostat Global Consulting, assisting clients with research design, analyzing complex datasets and communicating results clearly. He works primarily on household surveys for public health and has recently supported surveys in Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America.
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