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Dear Colleagues, ​Empower is organizing a 5-day ​​International Workshop on Strategic Leadership in Global Health and D...
Dear Colleagues,

​Empower is organizing a 5-day ​​International Workshop on Strategic Leadership in Global Health and Development, in collaboration with Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA, scheduled from 23-27 April 2018 in Dubai, UAE. The workshop is facilitated by senior faculty from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and senior health/management experts.

The goal of the strategic leadership and management in healthcare is to assist participants in building continuously learning organizations, to meet the health needs of their respective countries and to provide a guiding shared vision to improve people's health.

​The participants will learn about the leaders tool-kit including:
- Best practices of leadership - leadership challenge and improving leadership effectiveness
- Characteristics and competencies of successful leaders
- Building a shared vision
- Leadership and emotional intelligence
- Women in a leadership role – challenges and strengths
- Leading for the future - managing in a changing global health environment

The training fee payable is USD 2500, which includes:
- 5-day face-to-face workshop in Dubai
- Joint Certification from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Empower School of Health
- Does not include: accommodation, airfare or other travel expenses

Please find attached the brochure for your reference. Link to Application Form: goo.gl/1ALjXC

​For more details please email us at [email protected]

We look forward to hearing from you.


Kavya RS
Training & Capacity Building Coordinator
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