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The COVID-19 Vaccine Equity Project invites Boost community members to an interactive panel where we will...

The COVID-19 Vaccine Equity Project invites Boost community members to an interactive panel where we will update the community on the program's status; host a live conversation featuring national and global immunization professionals; and facilitate a co-creation session to discuss the challenges, support and enablers needed to plan and prepare for fair COVID-19 vaccine delivery. 
You will walk out of this panel with:

⚡️ Deeper understanding of the COVID-19 Vaccine Equity Project and how to engage with us
⚡️ Insight into countries concerns, needs, and desired support as they prepare for COVID-19 vaccine delivery 
⚡️ Perspectives from national and global immunization professionals on current vaccine preparedness efforts, including insights into the work being done by the Country Readiness and Delivery (CRD) unit at COVAX
⚡️ Key learnings and considerations on what is required for country vaccine delivery action planning 

We hope you will join us to discuss this critical and timely topic! Please note that speakers will be announced next week.

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    Co-creating Equitable Approaches to COVID-19 Vaccine Delivery

    The COVID-19 Vaccine Equity Project invites Boost community members to an interactive panel where we will update the community on the program's status; host a live conversation featuring national and global immunization professionals; and facilitate a co-creation session to discuss the challenges...

    The COVID-19 Vaccine Equity Project invites Boost community members to an interactive panel where we will update the community on the program's status; host a live conversation featuring national and global immunization professionals; and facilitate a co-creation session to discuss the challenges, support and enablers needed to plan and prepare for fair COVID-19 vaccine delivery. 
    You will walk out of this panel with:

    ⚡️ Deeper understanding of the COVID-19 Vaccine Equity Project and how to engage with us
    ⚡️ Insight into countries concerns, needs, and desired support as they prepare for COVID-19 vaccine delivery 
    ⚡️ Perspectives from national and global immunization professionals on current vaccine preparedness efforts, including insights into the work being done by the Country Readiness and Delivery (CRD) unit at COVAX
    ⚡️ Key learnings and considerations on what is required for country vaccine delivery action planning 

    We hope you will join us to discuss this critical and timely topic! Please note that speakers will be announced next week.

    1st Dec, 2020 13:30 - 14:45 - UTC
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