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Join the International Vaccine Acces Center and the Sabin Vaccine Institute for a webinar presentation about how misinfo...

Join the International Vaccine Acces Center and the Sabin Vaccine Institute for a webinar presentation about how misinformation spreads over social media platforms and creates vaccine hesitancy. The public’s trust in vaccine safety and effectiveness are key to maintaining immunization coverage and protecting at-risk populations from preventable diseases. Immunization and communications experts will discuss what action is needed to prevent anti-vaccine efforts from spreading over social media networks, and what challenges the infodemic poses to public health efforts internationally.


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    Social Media Interventions and Vaccine Hesitancy

    Join the International Vaccine Acces Center and the Sabin Vaccine Institute for a webinar presentation about how misinformation spreads over social media platforms and creates vaccine hesitancy. The public’s trust in vaccine safety and effectiveness are key to maintaining immunization coverage an...

    Join the International Vaccine Acces Center and the Sabin Vaccine Institute for a webinar presentation about how misinformation spreads over social media platforms and creates vaccine hesitancy. The public’s trust in vaccine safety and effectiveness are key to maintaining immunization coverage and protecting at-risk populations from preventable diseases. Immunization and communications experts will discuss what action is needed to prevent anti-vaccine efforts from spreading over social media networks, and what challenges the infodemic poses to public health efforts internationally.


    9th Feb, 2021 18:00 - 19:00 - UTC
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