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COVID-19 Vaccine Communications Webinar Series  Co-convened by the World Health Organization, UNICEF and Relig...
COVID-19 Vaccine Communications Webinar Series  
Co-convened by the World Health Organization, UNICEF and Religions for Peace

The role & impact of faith actors in global and national advocacy for vaccine equity and access

Thursday 20 May 2021
1400-1530 Geneva; 0800-0930 Washington DC; 1730-1900 Delhi, India

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused the loss of too many lives and immeasurable suffering around the world. As the global community battles to control the pandemic, it is clear that equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines must remain a priority. Faith actors continue to play a critical role in advocating for fair and equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines. WHO, UNICEF and Religions for Peace are pleased to invite you to this panel discussion where representatives will share and discuss the role and impact of faith actors in championing vaccine equity and access. 


  • Reverend Christo Greyling, Senior Director for Church Partnerships, World Vision International 
  • Honourable Ela Gandhi, Trustee, Gandhi Development Trust and Co-President of Religions for Peace, South Africa 
  • Dr. Mwai Makoka, Programme Executive for Health & Healing, World Council of Churches
  • Dr. Leon Saltiel, Representative at UN Geneva and UNESCO and Coordinator on Countering Antisemitism, World Jewish Congress
  • Dr. Mohamed Elsanousi, Executive Director of the Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers and Core Group member of the Faith4Vaccines movement


  • Kehkashan Bee Khan, Head Civil Society Partnersips, Division of Communications, UNICEF
  • Deepika Singh, Associate Secretary General & Director of Programmes, Religions for Peace
  • Sarah Hess, Technical Officer, World Health Organization

Register here: https://who-e.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_WenekIuYQUG5X7l2gmOhfQ

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    COVID-19 Vaccine Communications Webinar - The role & impact of faith actors in global and national advocacy for vaccine equity and access

    COVID-19 Vaccine Communications Webinar Series  
    Co-convened by the World Health Organization, UNICEF and Religions for Peace

    The role & impact of faith actors in global and national advocacy for vaccine equity and access

    Thursday 20 May 2021
    1400-1530 Geneva; 0800-0930 Washington DC; 1730-1900 Delhi,...

    COVID-19 Vaccine Communications Webinar Series  
    Co-convened by the World Health Organization, UNICEF and Religions for Peace

    The role & impact of faith actors in global and national advocacy for vaccine equity and access

    Thursday 20 May 2021
    1400-1530 Geneva; 0800-0930 Washington DC; 1730-1900 Delhi, India

    The COVID-19 pandemic has caused the loss of too many lives and immeasurable suffering around the world. As the global community battles to control the pandemic, it is clear that equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines must remain a priority. Faith actors continue to play a critical role in advocating for fair and equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines. WHO, UNICEF and Religions for Peace are pleased to invite you to this panel discussion where representatives will share and discuss the role and impact of faith actors in championing vaccine equity and access. 


    • Reverend Christo Greyling, Senior Director for Church Partnerships, World Vision International 
    • Honourable Ela Gandhi, Trustee, Gandhi Development Trust and Co-President of Religions for Peace, South Africa 
    • Dr. Mwai Makoka, Programme Executive for Health & Healing, World Council of Churches
    • Dr. Leon Saltiel, Representative at UN Geneva and UNESCO and Coordinator on Countering Antisemitism, World Jewish Congress
    • Dr. Mohamed Elsanousi, Executive Director of the Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers and Core Group member of the Faith4Vaccines movement


    • Kehkashan Bee Khan, Head Civil Society Partnersips, Division of Communications, UNICEF
    • Deepika Singh, Associate Secretary General & Director of Programmes, Religions for Peace
    • Sarah Hess, Technical Officer, World Health Organization

    Register here: https://who-e.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_WenekIuYQUG5X7l2gmOhfQ

    20th May, 2021 14:00 - 15:30 - Europe/Zurich
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