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Dates: 8 - 9 November 2022, virtual meeting The virtual meeting covered seven sessions and was attended by over 100 par...

Dates: 8 - 9 November 2022, virtual meeting

The virtual meeting covered seven sessions and was attended by over 100 participants from 38 countries. Updates were shared on various topics, including outbreaks that affected the continent in 2022 with the representative from Niger sharing their experience; the MenAfriVac vaccine and the multivalent vaccine under development; as well as Gavi and ICG supports to countries. The risk analysis for the 2023 epidemiological season was presented, and South Sudan used this as an opportunity highlight their 2022 preparedness and response plan.

The workshop concluded with 16 recommendations pertaining to surveillance, laboratory, vaccination, data management, demand generation, resource mobilization, and monitoring and evaluation among others. In terms of providing care and support to meningitis survivors, it was proposed that by 2023 at least 50% of countries establish an after-care system of database of meningitis survivors by 2030.

For further information, please write to Dadjo Hilaire [email protected]

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    Report on 19th Africa Annual Meningitis Meeting & 9th Meeting of MenAfriNet Partners

    Dates: 8 - 9 November 2022, virtual meeting

    The virtual meeting covered seven sessions and was attended by over 100 participants from 38 countries. Updates were shared on various topics, including outbreaks that affected the continent in 2022 with the representative from Niger sharing their expe...

    Dates: 8 - 9 November 2022, virtual meeting

    The virtual meeting covered seven sessions and was attended by over 100 participants from 38 countries. Updates were shared on various topics, including outbreaks that affected the continent in 2022 with the representative from Niger sharing their experience; the MenAfriVac vaccine and the multivalent vaccine under development; as well as Gavi and ICG supports to countries. The risk analysis for the 2023 epidemiological season was presented, and South Sudan used this as an opportunity highlight their 2022 preparedness and response plan.

    The workshop concluded with 16 recommendations pertaining to surveillance, laboratory, vaccination, data management, demand generation, resource mobilization, and monitoring and evaluation among others. In terms of providing care and support to meningitis survivors, it was proposed that by 2023 at least 50% of countries establish an after-care system of database of meningitis survivors by 2030.

    For further information, please write to Dadjo Hilaire [email protected]

    8th Nov, 2022 09:00 - 9th Nov, 2022 18:00 - UTC
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