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The Immunization Agenda 2030 (IA2030) aims to ensure that all people benefit from recommended immunizations throughout t...

The Immunization Agenda 2030 (IA2030) aims to ensure that all people benefit from recommended immunizations throughout the life course, integrated with essential health services.

This webinar series, organized by the IA2030 Working Group for life course and Integration, will showcase examples from immunization programmes that are successfully working toward an integrated life course approach to vaccination.

Webinar 2: Wed 8 March 2023, 15h-16h CET
Health worker vaccination programmes; opportunities beyond Covid

The series will run on a monthly basis and cover broad topics including: school vaccination platforms, opportunities for adult vaccination, integrated health campaigns, integrating nutrition and immunization services… and more! More sessions will be announced closer to the date.

Register: https://who.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_X_sijsDRQ5mp9UgcvqLicw

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