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  • Dan Brigden created a new event

    TechNet Conference: CHW PPE effort in Liberia - lessons learned about trying to get visibility and data use during a crisis

    During this session, we will hear how the Government of Liberia with technical assistance from the VillageReach team developed a dashboard to visualize PPE Stock in order to inform decision makers. We will hear lots of lessons learned about trying to get visibility and data use during a crisis.


    During this session, we will hear how the Government of Liberia with technical assistance from the VillageReach team developed a dashboard to visualize PPE Stock in order to inform decision makers. We will hear lots of lessons learned about trying to get visibility and data use during a crisis.


    Arthur Loryoun (VillageReach)

    20th Oct, 2020 11:30 - 12:00 - Europe/Paris
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