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  • Géraldine Nemrod created a new event

    LNCT Video Launch Webinar: Learning How to Create Empathy and Build Demand for Vaccines Among Vulnerable Groups

    In collaboration with Common Thread, LNCT captured the vaccination journeys of two families within a H’mong community in Yên Bái Province, Vietnam. Their stories, captured in their own words, show how community engagement strategies can be used effectively to create empathy and build demand for v...

    In collaboration with Common Thread, LNCT captured the vaccination journeys of two families within a H’mong community in Yên Bái Province, Vietnam. Their stories, captured in their own words, show how community engagement strategies can be used effectively to create empathy and build demand for vaccines among vulnerable groups. LNCT and Common Thread are pleased to share these case studies with you at an upcoming launch on Thursday, March 18th. During this video launch webinar, Common Thread will walk participants through the two journeys, reflect on the strategies used in the community, and explore how these materials can be used to build skills to generate demand for vaccines amongst ethnic minorities in other contexts.

    Date: March 18, 2021
    Time: 6:00-7:15 am EDT / 11:00 am-12:15 pm Abuja / 2:00-3:15 pm Tbilisi / 3:30-4:45 pm New Delhi
    Details: This session will be hosted in English, but simultaneous interpretation will be provided live on Zoom in French, Portuguese, and Russian, as needed. If you require interpretation, please confirm which language when you register. We recommend you register by March 12th to ensure interpretation can be arranged in advance. 

    Register here https://r4d-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_MzVGrueMTMCYbTphpjUZsg

    18th Mar, 2021 10:00 - 11:00 - UTC
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