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  • Monica Jain created a new event

    Effective interventions to increase routine childhood immunization in L&MICs

    In 2021, 25 million children missed out on essential vaccines, with childhood immunization falling for the second consecutive year. Increasing routine childhood immunization in low- and middle-income countries (L&MICs) is an urgent challenge. 

    We invite you to join as 3ie present and discuss fin...

    In 2021, 25 million children missed out on essential vaccines, with childhood immunization falling for the second consecutive year. Increasing routine childhood immunization in low- and middle-income countries (L&MICs) is an urgent challenge. 

    We invite you to join as 3ie present and discuss findings from a new Review of Reviews that synthesizes the best available evidence on effective interventions for improving routine child immunization outcomes in L&MICs.

    The review, the largest of its kind, assesses the existing evidence on the interventions that are claimed to be effective in addressing the barriers related to access, delivery or demand.

    Click here to register for the webinar

    12th Jan, 2023 07:00 - 08:00 - America/Los_Angeles
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