
Health impact of routine immunisation service disruptions & mass vaccination campaign suspensions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic: Multimodel comparative analysis of disruption scenarios for measles, meningococcal A, and yellow fever vaccination

The impact of COVID-19-related disruption to vaccination programs varies between infections and countries. Planning and implementation of campaigns should consider country and infection-specific epidemiological factors and local immunity gaps worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic when prioritising vaccines and strategies for catch-up vaccination.

Full title: "Health impact of routine immunisation service disruptions and mass vaccination campaign suspensions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic: Multimodel comparative analysis of disruption scenarios for measles, meningococcal A, and yellow fever vaccination in 10 low- and lower middle-income countries"

Added by: Géraldine Nemrod

Added on: 2021-01-30 05:45:37

Hits: 887

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