Afghanistan IOM COVID-19 vaccination reflections | Alice Wimmer, International Organization for Migration | | Presentation | English |
Afghanistan Vaccination in humanitarian settings | Africa CDC, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, UNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO) | | Presentation | English |
AFRO countries - YF activities during COVID19 response_EYE | World Health Organization (WHO) | | Presentation | English |
Burkina Faso - Implementer's Forum_JHPIEGO | Jhpiego | | Presentation | English |
Considerations for Your COVID-19 Vaccination Site_What we learned in Côte d’Ivoire and Democratic Republic of Congo | VillageReach | 2023 | Presentation | English |
DRC - High Volume Vaccination Site Experience | VillageReach | | Presentation | English |
DRC_ Gender considerations in Covid-19 rollout | VillageReach | 2022 | Presentation | English |
Global - IOM country office survey of migrant inclusion in COVID-19 vaccination campaigns | International Organization for Migration | | Presentation | English |
Global - Support Immunization Professionals - Boost SABIN | Sabin Vaccine Institute | | Report | English |
India - Assam Mobile Vans and Community Engagement to increase uptake in hard to reach | Anumegha Bhatnagar | | Presentation | English |
Lebanon - Leveraging the COVID-19 pandemic to strengthen routine immunizations | UNICEF | | Presentation | English |
RDC - Ecouter et Agir les plus vulnerables - Croix Rouge RDC | RDC Red cross | | Presentation | French |
Republic of Moldova - Mobilizing young people to promote vaccination against COVID-19 | World Health Organization (WHO) | | Report | English |
Republic of Moldova - Pharmacies contribute to pandemic response as a reliable source of information on COVID-19 vaccination | World Health Organization (WHO) | | Report | English |
Romania - Community nurses in rural Romania go the extra mile for COVID-19 vaccination | World Health Organization (WHO) | | Report | English |
Sierra Leone - RCT of last mile vaccine delivery | Prof. Maarten Voors, Wageningen University | | Case study | English |
Syria - Bringing the service closer to communities | Syrian Arab Red Crescent | 2022 | Presentation | English |
Tanzania - COVID-19 vaccine equity and access for older people | HelpAge International, Joseph Mbasha | | Presentation | English |
Ukraine - Cascade training enables a rapid scale-up of COVID-19 vaccination | World Health Organization (WHO) | | Report | English |
WHO/Europe shows high rates of COVID-19 vaccination in prisons | World Health Organization (WHO) | 2021 | Report | English |