
W5.3 Single-dose HPV Vaccination

How can we accelerate HPV vaccination?


  • English

Publication year





  • Global initiatives


  • HPV


  • Vaccine trials

Topic references


*Meeting Summary: Global Vaccine and Immunization Research Forum, 2021Andrew FordJournal articleEnglish
Agenda - GVIRF 2021GVIRF Secretariat2021PresentationEnglish
Introduction to GVIRFB. Fenton Hall2021WebinarEnglish
KN1 Vaccinology in the context of pandemic preparedness: The COVID-19 experienceAnthony Fauci2021WebinarEnglish
KN1 Vaccinology in the context of pandemic preparedness: The COVID-19 experienceAnthony Fauci2021PresentationEnglish
KN2 The Lessons of COVID-19 for Vaccine DevelopmentGates Foundation2021WebinarEnglish
KN2.2 Innovating from Research to Impact at Scale: the role of the Gavi AllianceAnuradha Gupta2021WebinarEnglish
KN3 Research for EquitySoumya Swaminathan2021PresentationEnglish
KN3 Research for Equity - VIDEOSoumya Swaminathan2021WebinarEnglish
P1 Epidemic and Pandemic Preparedness and ResponseGeorge F. Gao, Helen ReesWebinarEnglish
P1.1 Research during outbreak response: from Ebola to the COVID-19 pandemicAna Maria Henao Restrepo2021PresentationEnglish
P1.2 Rapid Response Platforms for COVID-19 VaccineMelanie Saville2021PresentationEnglish
P1.3 Rapid (and precise) COVID-19 Vaccine Development Enabled by Prototype Pathogen PreparednessBarney S. Graham2021PresentationEnglish
P2 HIV, TB & Malaria Vaccine UpdateNorman Baylor, Lucky Slamet2021WebinarEnglish
P2.1 Current status and future prospects for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) vaccinesLinda-Gail Bekker, University of Cape Town2021PresentationEnglish
P2.2 Update on progress in tuberculosis vaccine developmentAnn Ginsberg2021PresentationEnglish
P3 Shaping the Future: Equitable Access for AllDaniel Feikin, Robin NandyWebinarEnglish
P3.1 The enduring dilemma of 20 million unvaccinated children: Equity and access solutions in IA2030Katherine L. O'Brien2021PresentationEnglish
P3.2 Impact of COVID-19 on coverage and equitySamir Sodha2021PresentationEnglish
W1 Innovations in Vaccine ManufacturingAntu Dey, Rajat GoyalWebinarEnglish
W1.2 Vaccine Manufacturing at Lab Scale: A paradigm shift to more affordable vaccinesAhd Hamidi2021Case studyEnglish
W1.3 Not enough to go around: vaccine manufacturing for the COVID-19 pandemicCasey SelwynPresentationEnglish
W2 Emerging PlatformsLynda Stuart, Kanta Subbarao, Florian Krammer, Nathalie Garcon, Sarah Gilbert, Christian Mandl2021WebinarEnglish
W2.1 Nucleic acid vaccines: Is it all done?Christian MandlPresentationEnglish
W2.2 Viral vectored vaccine platform technologiesSarah Gilbert, University of Oxford2021PresentationEnglish
W2.3 AdjuvantsNathalie Garcon2021PresentationEnglish
W2.4 Universal Influenza VaccinesKanta Subbarao2021PresentationEnglish
W3 Innovation in VaccinationBernhards Ogutu, David DurrheimWebinarEnglish
W3.2 Transformative Concepts for Mass Vaccination and Pandemic ResponseMatthew Downham, CEPI2021PresentationEnglish
W3.3 Considerations for mass deployment of innovative vaccines in low- and middle-income country immunization programsFred WerePresentationEnglish
W4 Controlled Human Infection Models for Vaccine Research and DevelopmentAnnie Mo, Gagandeep KangWebinarEnglish
W4.1 Controlled human malaria infection — tool for accelerating vaccine developmentMelissa Kapulu, KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme2021PresentationEnglish
W4.2 Typhoid controlled human infection modelAndrew Pollard2021PresentationEnglish
W5 New and Improved Vaccines on the HorizonKathleen NeuzilWebinarEnglish
W5.1 Salmonella typhi vaccines, development and deploymentSushant Sahastrabuddhe, International Vaccine Institute2021PresentationEnglish
W5.2 Schistosomiasis vaccines, development and role in eliminationRobert Bergquist, Geospatial Health2021PresentationEnglish
W5.3 Single-dose HPV VaccinationAimee R. Kreimer2021PresentationEnglish
W5.4 Improved vaccines: Novel oral polio vaccine (OPV)Ananda S. Bandyopadhyay2021PresentationEnglish
W6 Vaccine Development to AccessAlejandro Cravioto, Birgitte Giersing, David Kaslow, Deepali Pate, Ian Hudson, Joshua Chu, Narendra Arora, Rino Rappuoli, Sai Prasad2021WebinarEnglish
W6.1 Vaccine Development to Access: Opportunities, risks and potential valleys of deathDavid Kaslow2021PresentationEnglish
W6.2 Vaccine development to access: Is there a role for earlier policy consideration?Rino Rappuoli, GSK Vaccines2021PresentationEnglish
W6.3 Building the concept of WHO Vaccine Preferred Policy ProfilesBirgitte Giersing2021PresentationEnglish
W7.1 Protection of newborn infants through vaccinationTobias KollmannPresentationEnglish
W8 Prioritization for Vaccine R&DPeter Hotez, Jerome Kim, B. T. Slingsby2021WebinarEnglish
W8.1 Decision-making and prioritization of vaccines to address public health needs in LMICsBill HausdorffPresentationEnglish
W8.2 Prioritization of Vaccines for Global HealthJerome Kim2021PresentationEnglish
W8.3 The State of Play: Industry vaccine trends from the Access to Medicine IndexMargo Warren, Access to Medicine Foundation2021PresentationEnglish
W9 Building and Sustaining UptakeLisa Menning2021Case studyEnglish
W9.1 Building and Sustaining Uptake: Summary of the latest evidence and open research questionsJulie Leask2021PresentationEnglish
W9.2 Evidence and Lessons Learned on Social Sciences Analytics around VaccinationSimone Carter2021Case studyEnglish

Added by: Angela Hwang

Added on: 2022-11-28 02:27:41

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