Sunday, 01 April 2018
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World TB day theme 2018- Wanted: Leaders for a TB free world and the corollary:  Quickly and adequately involve the active leaders.

In view of the above we wish to share the attached highlighting the activities to inactivate TB. Two related activities – BCG vaccination and Mantoux test [TST] are routinely practiced for several decades with number of errors. Regular Supportive Supervision is an integral part of any disease control / elimination / eradication programme. Polio eradication, Measles elimination, introduction of JE, Pentavalent, IPV and the like improved the quality of vaccination service along with increase in coverage.

However BCG vaccination has escaped this SS radar. Administering 0.05mL of reconstituted BCG vaccine to a newborn needs super skill which is more difficult than administering 0.1mL of tuberculin as many are more than 3 months old. NTI recommends trained person to administer TST [1500 times administered with <2% errors] which is comparatively much easier than BCG 0.05mL to a newborn.

Now that world has taken up END TB programme, hope these programmatic errors will be addressed instantaneously. Recently a senior consultant ‘whatsapped’ the punitive acts to regulate errorless services to alert the service providers. Through SS approach of RAPID, all long standing programmatic errors can be instantaneously corrected for ever as experienced by the author as spinoff activity during his visits to Medical Colleges.

We hope the corollary of the World TB day theme from the authorized programme implementers proactively, quickly act to stop the ongoing errors through SS of RAPID.

KVG team is ready to provide service to correct the errors occurring on the field as evidenced in the recent past so that every service provide will adhere to 8+2 “RIGHTS” before/while administering BCG / TST depending on the beneficiary.


KVG Team

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