Thursday, 18 February 2021
  3 Replies
  5.6K Visits

The Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator’s Country Readiness and Delivery (CRD) workstream, Project ECHO, Boost, TechNet-21, and the COVID-19 Vaccine Equity Project invite you to join a series of video-conference-based capacity building webinars.

The 23 February session (12-1 PM CET) will provide key information and updates on COVID-19 vaccine indemnification and liability through the COVAX Facility. It will explain the process for countries to prepare for indemnification and liability for COVID-19 vaccines, describe the process for countries to be access the No Fault Compensation Mechanism, and outline how countries can access support as they develop their national legislation. 


TechNet-21 also manages two Telegram channels supporting regions, countries, and partners in preparing for COVID-19 vaccine introduction. In these two spaces - one anglophone and one francophone - you will be able to share your experiences, discuss key questions, and connect with experts from around the world. We'll also share new information and global guidance as it becomes available. Join us today:

COVID-19 Vaccine Introduction – TechNet-21 (English)

Introduction des vaccins contre la Covid-19 – TechNet-21 (Français)

For those of us who unfortunately had to miss this, is a recording available?

3 years ago

Dear colleagues,

The recording of the webinar on indemnification and liability is now available in 3 languages: (English) (Spanish) (French) - début de l'interprétation à 1 minute (1:00) 

We'll share the Q&As as soon as the presenters will have answered the questions. 

3 years ago

Dear colleagues,

The questions that could not be answered during the webinar session have also been compiled into the following Q&A document:

These are the questions that have been answered:

  • You mentioned about the Georgetown University providing assistance regarding legislation for countries. How is it going to be made available for countries? How will it be shared? Will it be given to the participants from each country?
  • Has anyone gone through the compensation process yet? If yes, what was the outcome?
  • Who exactly will be compensating the injured receipt? Is it the government?
  • How much money does this compensation represent? How much will the claimant get for a permanent impairment or in the case of death?
  • Which groups of serious AEFI are eligible for COVAX compensation process NFC?
  • How will the administrator decide if it is really an AEFI of COVID-19 vaccine, not related to any other underlying cause? How about in the case of death? How will it be determined if the vaccine is really responsible?


You can now find all the resources for all the COVID-19 Vaccine Introduction webinar sessions here:

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