Friday, 24 November 2017
  1 Replies
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Goodday colleagues,

I am developing a post-graduate research proposal for submission in an academic institution to improve service delivery and continous quality improvement. The topic isTHE KNOWLEDGE (understanding and perception) OF & REPORTING PATTERN OF ADVERSE EVENTS FOLLOWING IMMUNIZATION (AEFIs) AMONG HEALTH-CARE WORKERS. Its a state-wide intiative and drive and may be scaled up to several other states in NIGERIA if further grants are appoved. I write to request the house to provide guidance and direction to sites, journals and relevants lietratures that would aid in simplifying this task. Please time is of the essence and all assistance will be highly appreciated. Useful information could be mailed to me ([email protected] or [email protected]) , also contact(s) of colleagues that have done related works in NIGERIA and outside will be well appreciated. 

Kind regards.

7 years ago

The standard global resources on AEFI and vaccine safety are available on the WHO website here:

You may find the tools and methods listed on the following page ("To develop internationally harmonized tools and methods to support country vaccine safety activities") of particular interest:

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