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  • Po Rin joined the group, EAC Immunization Group
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  • Jeniffer Adungosi joined the group, EAC Immunization Group
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  • Dear colleagues,

    In order to define a roadmap to support countries to develop and implement strategies for integrating heat-sensitive products into the vaccine cold chain, WHO is launching a consultation with TechNet members. The aim of this consultation is to contribute to defining the interventions to be carried out and the resources to be mobilized at country and global level.

    Specifically, WHO would like to identify the lessons learned by countries that are already implementing a practice of Oxytocin or Insulin in the vaccine cold chain; identify the factors facilitating and limiting this integration and define at which segments of the supply chain integration should take place. Here are some of the questions WHO would like to pose to the TechNet21 community:

    What has been your experiences when integrating oxytocin and insulin (or other non-EPI vaccines product) in your country cold chain system? What were the key reasons for doing so, the decision-making process and what things worked and what didn’t?

    What are the most critical factors limiting the integration of Oxytocin or Insulin into the vaccine cold chain in countries that have not yet done so? And what are the top 3 factors that would facilitate this integration?

    Where integration is more appropriate: What segments of the supply chain could most benefit from integration? At what level of the supply chain should integration occur (national, sub-national and service levels)? For what function of the supply chain should integration occur (planning, storage, distribution, handling, and management, information, cold chain equipment temperature and performance monitoring, and management)?”

    Could you please reply here:  https://www.technet-21.org/en/community/discussions/integration-of-temperature-sensitive-pharmaceuticals-in-the-vaccine-cold-chain

    We would appreciate any feedback, even if short.

    Thank you for expressing your view and experience!
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  • Michelle Seidel joined the group, EAC Immunization Group
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  • Arindam Ray joined the group, EAC Immunization Group
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  • Maarten ten Houten joined the group, EAC Immunization Group
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  • Jules OMBA MUNGOMBA joined the group, EAC Immunization Group
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  • Adugnaw Ayele joined the group, EAC Immunization Group
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  • Jules OMBA MUNGOMBA joined the group, European Immunization Week
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  • Dr Sahil Parmar joined the group, EAC Immunization Group
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  • Dorothee Ntakirutimana joined the group, EAC Immunization Group
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  • Dr.Srihari Dutta joined the group, EAC Immunization Group
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  • Edward Gakuru joined the group, EAC Immunization Group
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  • Chimaobi Ejieke joined the group, EAC Immunization Group
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