In the last 50 years alone, vaccines have saved 154 million lives. That’s 6 people every minute, for five decades. But there are still millions of children who receive zero doses of vaccines - 1 in 3 of these children currently live in middle-income countries. What should be done to ensure these children get the vaccines they need? And to ensure no child is left behind.
Today IA2030 has launched an in-depth review on increasing immunization in middle-income countries that highlights four key actions needed:
1 – Middle-income countries need to sustain or increase financing of vaccines depending on context: vaccines need to be considered part of the package of essential health services.
2 – Vaccines can cost 10x more in middle-income countries than GAVI eligible countries: vaccines suppliers must ensure improved availability and affordability of vaccines for middle-income countries, and countries should consider procuring vaccines from diverse manufacturing bases.
3 – Often due to...MoreIn the last 50 years alone, vaccines have saved 154 million lives. That’s 6 people every minute, for five decades. But there are still millions of children who receive zero doses of vaccines - 1 in 3 of these children currently live in middle-income countries. What should be done to ensure these children get the vaccines they need? And to ensure no child is left behind.
Today IA2030 has launched an in-depth review on increasing immunization in middle-income countries that highlights four key actions needed:
1 – Middle-income countries need to sustain or increase financing of vaccines depending on context: vaccines need to be considered part of the package of essential health services.
2 – Vaccines can cost 10x more in middle-income countries than GAVI eligible countries: vaccines suppliers must ensure improved availability and affordability of vaccines for middle-income countries, and countries should consider procuring vaccines from diverse manufacturing bases.
3 – Often due to lagging introductions, coverage of newer vaccines in middle-income countries is much lower than IA2030 targets: strong evidence-based decision-making is needed to support how vaccines are prioritized and delivered.
4 – Middle-income countries have high and growing internal inequities in vaccine coverage: we need to create stronger demand for vaccines in communities and tailor vaccine outreach to local contexts.
hashtag ForEveryChild hashtag HumanlyPossible hashtag WHA77 hashtag IA2030Post is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream.Dyuti Schuwey-Daeppen reacted to this post about 9 months agoThe WHO Technical Advisory Group on Market Access for Vaccines (TAG MVAC) supports WHO’s work related to global vaccine market topics including delivering recommendations on our global market studies under the Market Information for Access (MI4A) work.
WHO is seeking for experienced and highly qualified experts to serve as members of the TAG MVAC for a two-year appointment with following expertise:
- Global vaccine supply, demand, and market landscape dynamics across key regions and immunization areas;
- Vaccine manufacturing;
- Global immunization and/or infectious disease epidemiology;
- Global vaccine market access and/or procurement
The call for application is currently open, the deadline for submitting the application is 14 June 2024.
For any question please contact [email protected]
Thank you
Post is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream.Shashi Kant Ray reacted to this post about 1 year agoUpdated guidance to support countries in the development of National Immunization Strategies (NIS) is now available in English, French and Russian at https://www.who.int/teams/immunization-vaccines-and-biologicals/vaccine-access/planning-and-financing/nis. The Guidance is accompanied by a new and simplified costing approach to support the NIS process, NIS.COST https://immunizationeconomics.org/unicef-niscost, as well as guidance on Annual Operational Planning (AOPs).
The new NIS guidance focuses on more informed, country owned, and sustainable decision-making and the prioritization of interventions needed to reach zero dose children and communities in line with Immunization Agenda 2030. It also supports a dialogue between Ministry of Health and Finance leads to ensure an agreed financial envelope is available to fund NIS key strategic priorities. In addition, there is greater emphasis on a broad and inclusive dialogue at the country level and greater integration with the health care...MoreUpdated guidance to support countries in the development of National Immunization Strategies (NIS) is now available in English, French and Russian at https://www.who.int/teams/immunization-vaccines-and-biologicals/vaccine-access/planning-and-financing/nis. The Guidance is accompanied by a new and simplified costing approach to support the NIS process, NIS.COST https://immunizationeconomics.org/unicef-niscost, as well as guidance on Annual Operational Planning (AOPs).
The new NIS guidance focuses on more informed, country owned, and sustainable decision-making and the prioritization of interventions needed to reach zero dose children and communities in line with Immunization Agenda 2030. It also supports a dialogue between Ministry of Health and Finance leads to ensure an agreed financial envelope is available to fund NIS key strategic priorities. In addition, there is greater emphasis on a broad and inclusive dialogue at the country level and greater integration with the health care system beyond immunization.
This first webinar in a series will provide an introduction to the new approach and the available guidance. The series will continue with sessions in 2022 focusing on specific steps in the NIS development process such as the costing approach and situation analysis.Please join us for a webinar:
Nov 25th from 10.00 CET: English session - suscribe here: https://who.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_SABRKosXTM2tWhiKMo2zeA
Dec 2nd from 10.00 CET: French session - Lien d'inscription à la session FR : https://who.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_SOmj0MGrSN-VjrixgNY5FAPost is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream.Global Market Study: Meningococcal meningitis vaccines - 2019
The WHO initiative, Market Information for Access to Vaccines (MI4A) produces vaccine-specific market studies, analyzing global demand and supply prospects for individual vaccines. The studies identify areas of risk for sustainable access to vaccine supply and define mitigating actions. The market studies are updated regularly. This publication is the first on Meningococcal Meningitis vaccines.
Post is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream.Post is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream.Post is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream.Market Information
A World Health Organization (WHO) initiative, Market Information for Access to Vaccines (MI4A), has been launched to contribute to the achievement of Strategic Development Goal 3.8 (Universal Health Coverage target) by enhancing access to safe, effective, quality, and affordable vaccines for all. It is a part of the broader WHO effort to ensure availability of Essential Medicines and responds to specific requests from Member States and the WHO Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE) to address vaccine market information gaps.
Building on existing efforts, MI4A provides a global perspective on vaccine markets, responding to WHA Resolutions and WHO SAGE requests for action. In particular, MI4A aims to identify and address affordability and shortage issues for self-funding and self-procuring countries that are mostly excluded from international support. MI4A leverages the success of the WHO Vaccine Product, Price and Procurement (V3P) project. Middle-income countries (MICs) face the greatest challenge of ensuring sustainable access to vaccine supply, given their limited external assistance and national resources. Further information relating to MICs, including the Strategy to Enhance Immunization in MICs, can be found on WHO’s website.
This page, created and maintained by the WHO Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI), provides a list of key MI4A resources, grouped into the following categories:
About MI4A
Vaccine purchase data
Market studies
The MI4A Resource Gateway also provides links to relevant WHO and partner websites - including PAHO, PATH and UNICEF - that contain information about vaccine product characteristics, vaccine price and procurement information.
What data is available?
The WHO vaccine market intelligence database compiles vaccine purchase (product, price and procurement) data as reported by countries via the WHO/UNICEF Joint Reporting Form (JRF) over the period of 2013–2018. Data is shared by country, vaccine and year. Price per dose (USD), procurement mechanism and annual volumes are all included, and data is publicly available on the MI4A website.
Countries can use the vaccine purchase data in different ways, such as to:
Understand how the price of vaccines in their immunization schedule relate to other products on the market, or compare the prices paid by other countries in similar conditions (e.g. income, funding/procurement group, contract conditions) – for example: how much does seasonal flu cost in countries similar to mine?
Identify other vaccines available by a given manufacturer – e.g., what products are in the portfolio of a manufacturer of interest for my country?
Understand other available products and presentations for each vaccine – e.g., what BCG vaccine products are on the market?
Develop budget estimates to inform new vaccine introduction product choices, planning and budgeting.
What resources are available?
Vaccine Purchase Data Note: This cover note is intended to guide countries in their use of the MI4A vaccine purchase data and includes key messages from the global analysis.
Available products list: A list of all available vaccine products, including WHO prequalified and non WHO prequalified vaccines.
Global Vaccine Market Report: This report provides a snapshot of the global vaccine market covering all vaccines and countries. The report is divided into five sections: 1. vaccine market transparency, 2. global vaccine market value and volume, 3. vaccine products, 4. vaccine procurement and 5. vaccine price.
Global market studies: MI4A produces vaccine-specific market studies, analysing global demand and supply prospects for individual vaccines. The studies identify areas of risk for sustainable access to vaccine supply and define mitigating actions. Market studies are available for BCG, D&T, HPV, and Meningococcal Meningitis. Key findings are also available for PCV and Rota.
About MI4A
{khub-list,reference,ABOUT_MI4A,title ASC, 50}
Vaccine purchase data
{khub-list,reference,PURCHASE_DATA,title ASC, 50}
Market studies
MI4A produces a range of market analyses and vaccine-specific reports. These aim to strengthen understanding of global vaccine supply-demand dynamics, identifying affordability and shortage risks.
{khub-list,reference,MARKET_STUDIES,title ASC, 50}
Post is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream.Dan Brigden reacted to this post about 5 years agoVaccine Purchase Data Note for Countries (2019): provides an overview of 2018 vaccine purchase data (including vaccine products and vaccine prices) as reported by countries in the WHO/UNICEF Joint Reporting Form (JRF). The complete database is also available on the WHO Website.
This dataset provides reference points on prices paid for vaccines in countries across all regions. This can provide a reference for EPI managers, procurement and budget officers adding to existing public data sets.
NEW FOR 2019: The document now also includes a complete list of vaccine products available for procurement – including non-prequalified-vaccines (building on reported vaccines and other public sources) . This is also available in excel to filter and narrow your searches.
Global Vaccine Market Report (2019): a snapshot view of the global vaccine market covering all vaccines and countries and complementing existing resources focused on specific market segments.
HPV Global Market Study (2019...
MoreVaccine Purchase Data Note for Countries (2019): provides an overview of 2018 vaccine purchase data (including vaccine products and vaccine prices) as reported by countries in the WHO/UNICEF Joint Reporting Form (JRF). The complete database is also available on the WHO Website.
This dataset provides reference points on prices paid for vaccines in countries across all regions. This can provide a reference for EPI managers, procurement and budget officers adding to existing public data sets.
NEW FOR 2019: The document now also includes a complete list of vaccine products available for procurement – including non-prequalified-vaccines (building on reported vaccines and other public sources) . This is also available in excel to filter and narrow your searches.
Global Vaccine Market Report (2019): a snapshot view of the global vaccine market covering all vaccines and countries and complementing existing resources focused on specific market segments.
HPV Global Market Study (2019 update): provides the most updated understanding of current and future global trends and drivers of supply and demand of HPV vaccines - and was updated following the SAGE discussions in October 2019.
Please do send us your feedback or questions!
Understanding and monitoring the impact of market information use in countries is critical. Please share your experience with us by completing this short survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2RWL98W
For any questions or comments or for help accessing or using the data, please contact MI4A: [email protected]
Post is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream.Global Market Study: Meningococcal meningitis vaccines
The WHO initiative, Market Information for Access to Vaccines (MI4A) produces vaccine-specific market studies, analyzing global demand and supply prospects for individual vaccines. The studies identify areas of risk for sustainable access to vaccine supply and define mitigating actions. The market studies are updated regularly. This publication...Post is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream.Global Market Study: Diphtheria and tetanus-containing vaccines
The WHO initiative, Market Information for Access to Vaccines (MI4A) produces vaccine-specific market studies, analyzing global demand and supply prospects for individual vaccines. The studies identify areas of risk for sustainable access to vaccine supply and define mitigating actions. The market studies are updated regularly. This publication...Post is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream.There are no activities here yet