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  • Moderator created a new event

    TechNet open café

    The TechNet open café is a new monthly informal e-discussion for the TechNet community to better use the TechNet platform. Do you have any questions, ideas, remarks or criticisms? Or would you like to share your needs to get more tools for your job? Then this meeting is for you. 

    Make yourself s...

    The TechNet open café is a new monthly informal e-discussion for the TechNet community to better use the TechNet platform. Do you have any questions, ideas, remarks or criticisms? Or would you like to share your needs to get more tools for your job? Then this meeting is for you. 

    Make yourself some coffee, tea or anything you like and join the TechNet community manager to connect, discuss and share ideas on how we can help you work better! 

    A French session will take place on Thursday 14 May. 

    Registration: https://who.zoom.us/meeting/register/up0ldO6sqjMsEyftO1PsCqY3o3sC-febdQ 

    7th May, 2020 16:30 - 17:00
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