• Pat Lennon added a new resource to the Knowledge Hub
     Freeze-preventive passive containers – technical resources
    This page features background information and guidance on freeze prevention in the immunization supply chain, also known as the cold chain, as it relates to passive containers. Section 1 provides a high-level overview of the impact of freezing vaccines, and Section 2 shares passive technologies that prevent freezing in passive containers and related activities. Sections 3 and 4 contain literature on the effects of freezing temperatures on vaccine potency and instances of freezing in the cold chain. The final section gives additional resources supporting the introduction of new freeze-preventive passive containers.

    Freeze prevention and why it is important
    New freeze-preventive technologies
    Literature on vaccine potency
    Examples of freezing in the cold chain
    Additional information and resources

    1. Freeze prevention and why it is important
    The following resources underscore the negative effects of exposing vaccines to freezing temperatures.

    {khub-list,reference,FREEZE-PREVENTION-BACKGROUND,title ASC, 50}

    2. New freeze-preventive technologies
    The following table contains the activities stakeholders are engaged in to prevent freeze exposure in the supply chain.

    {khub-list,reference,FREEZE-PREVENTION-NEW-TECH,title ASC, 50}

    3. Literature on vaccine potency
    The following resources underscore the negative effects of exposing vaccines to freezing temperatures.

    {khub-list,reference,FREEZE-PREVENTION-POTENCY,title ASC, 50}

    4. Examples of freezing in the cold chain
    The following resources provide examples of freezing in the cold chain.

    {khub-list,reference,FREEZE-PREVENTION-EXAMPLES,title ASC, 50}

    5. Additional resources
    This section contains additional information and related resources.

    {khub-list,reference,FREEZE-PREVENTION-ADDITIONAL-INFO,title ASC, 50}

    Photos left to right: PATH/Simona Zipursky, PATH/Tina Lorenson, PATH/Tina Lorenson.
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