Case study

Cambodia - COVID-19 vaccination & NCD screening

This short case study illustrates how the Royal Government of Cambodia, together with partners, conducted a successful pilot study to use the opportunity of COVID-19 vaccination to increase the uptake of screening for non-communicable diseases and build on this opportunity to establish a model to detect and manage non-communicable diseases in adults linked to the delivery of booster doses of COVID-19 vaccination.


  • English

Publication year



Case study


  • Programme management


  • Cambodia


  • Integration

Topic references


C-19 Integration: Country Introduction MaterialsUNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)2023PresentationEnglish
Cadre Opérationnel Pour la Promotion de la Demande - Intégration de la vaccination contra la COVID-19UNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)2024GuidanceFrench
Cambodia - COVID-19 vaccination & NCD screeningUNICEF, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, World Health Organization (WHO)2023Case studyEnglish
Colombia_Preparing for mainstreaming COVID-19 vaccination into the Expanded Programme on immunizationCovid-19 Vaccine Delivery Partnership2023Case studyEnglish
Consideraciones para la toma de decisiones por parte de los países sobre la vacunación contra la COVID-19 - versión 6World Health Organization (WHO)2024PresentationSpanish
Early approaches to integrate COVID-19 vaccines into routine immunization systems and/or primary healthcare servicesCHAI2024Case studyEnglish
Éléments à prendre en considération afin d’éclairer la prise de décision du pays sur la vaccination contre la COVID-19 - version 6World Health Organization (WHO)2023PresentationFrench
Immunization Program Improvement Workshop report - Lao PDR, Thailand, CambodiaTask Force Global Health2024ReportEnglish
Information Note: Increasing COVID-19 Vaccination Uptake - An update on messaging, delivery strategies and policy recommendationsWorld Health Organization (WHO)2023GuidanceEnglish
Operational Framework for Demand Promotion - IntegrationUNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)2023GuidanceEnglish
Quadro operacional para promoção da procura - Integração da vacinação contra a COVID-19UNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)2024GuidancePortuguese
Training and Planning at Subnational Levels for Integrating COVID-19 Vaccination into Routine Health Services – A Facilitator’s GuideUSAID MOMENTUM2024GuidanceEnglish

Added by: Alba Vilajeliu

Added on: 2023-12-03 14:32:43

Hits: 818

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