
Immunization Practices Advisory Committee (IPAC) statement: out of cold chain (OCC) and controlled temperature chain (CTC) use of vaccines

The following statement has been prepared by the CTC working group, which has been established under the authority of IPAC. The mission of this working group is to convene key stakeholders to define a shared vision and strategy for CTC. Members of the group include subject matter experts from IPAC member institutions or from their affiliates (WHO, UNICEF, Gavi, IFPMA, DCVMN, MSF, PATH). The working group provides manufacturers with the possibility of bilateral, confidential discussions regarding vaccine labelling consistent with CTC usage.


  • English

Publication year





  • Supply chain & logistics


  • Controlled temperature chain (CTC)

Topic references


Controlled temperature chain: Strategic Roadmap for Priority Vaccines 2017-2020World Health Organization (WHO)2018GuidanceEnglish
CTC - Delivering vaccines more easilyWorld Health Organization (WHO)2015GuidanceEnglish, French
CTC FAQsControlled Temperature Chain Team2023PresentationEnglish
Immunization Practices Advisory Committee (IPAC) statement: out of cold chain (OCC) and controlled temperature chain (CTC) use of vaccinesIPAC Delivery Technologies Working Group2016GuidanceEnglish
Infographique CTCWorld Health Organization (WHO)2015Poster/infographicFrench
Questions fréquentes CTCWorld Health Organization (WHO)2015GuidanceFrench
Risk/Benefit considerations when deciding on CTCWorld Health Organization (WHO)2024Poster/infographicEnglish
South Sudan conducts first phase of meningitis A campaign using a CTCWorld Health Organization (WHO)2015ReportEnglish
What is a controlled temperature chain? (CTC) - InfographicWorld Health Organization (WHO)2015Poster/infographicEnglish