Journal article

The role of recorded and verbal information in health information systems: A case study of the Expanded Program on Immunization in Mozambique

Background: There is ongoing interest in strengthening the informational component of the EPI as a mean to enhance the efficacy of service delivery. As developing country governments make significant investments in strengthening health information systems- benefits obtained from these initiatives tend to be below their potential. To improve this- it is argued that such systems need to take into account both formal (documented) and informal forms of information. Objective: This study measures the accuracy of people-based information with information recorded in the $\backslash$Road to Health Card$\backslash$". Methods: 840 mothers were screened in a cross sectional study. Information about measles immunization status as documented in the Road to Health card was compared to mothers$\backslash$' verbal information. The pattern of these answers among mothers presenting the card was compared with those among mothers without the card. Results: Measles vaccine information was 95.7% sensitive and 80.0% specific. Mea


  • English

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Journal article


  • Data


  • Data quality

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