
Capacity development with sustainable impact: Towards country-owned technical assistance (16th TechNet Conference)

The COVID-19 pandemic has made evident the need to move from internationally-dependent TA towards a continuous and sustainable capacity development approach. The increasing complexities of the supply chains merit more distributed TA models that can be implemented by a network of national institutions, such as, government agencies, academic institutions, vocational training centres, private companies and NGOs. New EVM2 functionalities enable its use as a continuous capacity development delivery mechanism addressing equity gaps of the ISCM workforce at subnational level, thus making EVM2 a tool for measurement of TA delivery effectiveness.


  • English

Publication year





  • Supply chain & logistics

Topic references


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Building a strong supply chain workforce - The role of pre-service trainingUSAID - Deliver Project2016GuidanceEnglish
Building a Strong Supply Chain Workforce in Ghana – The Role of Preservice TrainingEomba Motomoke2017GuidanceEnglish
Capacity development with sustainable impact: Towards country-owned technical assistance (16th TechNet Conference)Arletty Pinel, Dmitri Davydov, Graça Matsinhe, Moussa Yazi2020PresentationEnglish
Developing and sustaining human resources in the health supply chain in Ethiopia: barriers and enablersKälvemark Sporrong S et al.2016Journal articleEnglish
Developing standardized competencies to strengthen immunization systems and workforceAlice Pope, Carla Lee, Denise Traicoff, Dharmesh Lal, Hardeep Sandhu, Jhilmil Bahl, Johannes Ahrendts, Lorraine Shamalla, Molly Abbruzzese, Peter Bloland, Steven Stewart, Tove RymanJournal articleEnglish
Experiential and authentic learning approaches in vaccine managementUmit Kartoglu et al.2017Journal articleEnglish
Immunization training resourcesWorld Health Organization (WHO)2020TrainingEnglish
Logistics Competencies, Skills, and Training : A Global OverviewAlan McKinnon, Christina Busch, Christoph Flöthmann, Kai Hoberg2017GuidanceEnglish
Supply Chain Data Use Theory of Change and Theory of Action: A Conceptual Framework for Program and Supply Chain ManagersCHAI, inSupply Health, JSI, VillageReachGuidanceEnglish
The role of supportive supervision on immunization program outcome - a randomized field trial from GeorgiaMamuka Djibuti et al.2009Journal articleEnglish

Added by: Géraldine Nemrod

Added on: 2020-11-03 04:14:32

Hits: 1578

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