Immunization Data: Evidence for Action (IDEA)

Jacqueline Deelstra

The use of high-quality data is widely understood in the global health community to be a cornerstone of well-functioning health systems. However, despite continuous growth in the amount of health data available, the actual use of data in immunization program decision-making remains a challenge. The Immunization Data: Evidence for Action (IDEA) review is a global synthesis of existing evidence aimed at increasing the use of high-quality data to improve immunization coverage. Developed in partnership between PATH and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the IDEA review draws on findings from nearly 550 documents—including published literature, working papers, project evaluations, and reports—distilled and prioritized by global immunization experts. The review identifies five proven strategies to improve data use and outlines how funders, policymakers, and program implementers can incorporate these best practices to improve the efficacy of state, regional, and national immunization programs. The resulting report provides a concise guide for global and public health practitioners, explaining what works to improve data quality and use, why it works, and how the immunization community can take evidence-based action to improve immunization outcomes around the world. This page provides a list of IDEA report materials, which include the evidence identified by the IDEA team, the IDEA report and the top findings:

To learn more about IDEA you also can view a short, recorded webinar. The webinar is available in English with English Subtitles, English with French Subtitles, and Spanish.

PATH and PAHO were supported in developing the IDEA review by a steering committee that includes global and regional senior leaders in the areas of immunization, data quality, and data use from the World Health Organization (WHO); United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF); and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.

Evidence Gap Map

For each primary intervention type identified in the IDEA literature review, the gap map below visualizes all the pieces of evidence and promising strategies identified. They are organized according to the intermediate data use outcomes, data use actions, and impact indicators to which they pertain.

The gap map illustrates where there is greater coverage of evidence and promising strategies as well as where there are gaps in evidence. 

PATH IDEA Evidence Gap Map revised

IDEA Report Materials-English

A Realist Review of What Works to Improve Data Use for ImmunizationPATH, WHO Regional Office for the Americas (PAHO)2019ReportEnglish
A realist systematic review of evidence from low- and middle-income countries of interventions to improve immunization data useAllison L. Osterman, Jessica C. Shearer, Nicole A. Salisbury2021Journal articleEnglish
Executive Summary: A Realist Review of What Works to Improve Data Use for ImmunizationPATH, WHO Regional Office for the Americas (PAHO)2019GuidanceEnglish
Immunization Data Evidence for Action (IDEA): Evidence Synthesis TablePATH, WHO Regional Office for the Americas (PAHO)2019ToolEnglish
Immunization Data Evidence for Action (IDEA): Top FindingsPATH, WHO Regional Office for the Americas (PAHO)2019GuidanceEnglish
Immunization Data: Evidence for Action (IDEA) Theory of Change: Supporting data-informed decision-making for immunization programsPATH, WHO Regional Office for the Americas (PAHO)2019ToolEnglish
Precis: A Realist Review of What Works to Improve Data Use for ImmunizationPATH, WHO Regional Office for the Americas (PAHO)2019GuidanceEnglish

IDEA Report Materials-Spanish

IDEA Report Materials-French

For funders

Datos de Inmunización: Evidencia para la Acción (IDEA): Principales hallazgos de IDEA para los financiadores de programasOrganización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS), PATH2019GuidanceSpanish
Données de vaccination : des preuves pour l’action (IDEA): Principaux résultats d’IDEA à l’intention des bailleurs de fondsOrganisation Panaméricaine de la Santé (OPS), PATH2019GuidanceFrench
Immunization Data: Evidence for Action (IDEA): Top IDEA Findings for Program FundersPATH, WHO Regional Office for the Americas (PAHO)2019GuidanceEnglish

For implementers

Datos de Inmunización: Evidencia para la Acción (IDEA): Principales hallazgos de IDEA para los ejecutoresOrganización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS), PATH2019GuidanceSpanish
Données de vaccination : des preuves pour l’action (IDEA): Principaux résultats d’IDEA à l’intention des exécutants de programmeOrganisation Panaméricaine de la Santé (OPS), PATH2019GuidanceFrench
Immunization Data: Evidence for Action (IDEA): Top IDEA Findings for Program ImplementersPATH, WHO Regional Office for the Americas (PAHO)2019GuidanceEnglish

For policymakers

Datos de Inmunización: Evidencia para la Acción (IDEA): Principales hallazgos de IDEA para los formuladores de políticasOrganización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS), PATH2019GuidanceSpanish
Données de vaccination : des preuves pour l’action (IDEA):Principaux résultats d’IDEA à l’intention des décideurs politiquesOrganisation Panaméricaine de la Santé (OPS), PATH2019GuidanceFrench
Immunization Data: Evidence for Action (IDEA): Top IDEA Findings for PolicymakersPATH, WHO Regional Office for the Americas (PAHO)2019GuidanceEnglish