Tuesday, 04 February 2020
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Please join the PATH Introducing Digital Immunization information systems: Exchange and Learning from Vietnam (IDEAL-Vietnam) project for a webinar on scaling-up electronic immunization information systems. The webinar will take place on Thursday, February 27th at 1pm CET.

During the webinar the presenters will discuss lessons learned from Vietnam of a successful scale-up of an electronic immunization registry (EIR) from pilot to nationwide application. Successful scale-up is not an easy feat, and the process of moving from small- to large-scale operations in Vietnam was due in part to from-the-start planning, key partnerships, government commitment, and sustained collaboration.

The webinar will highlight key facilitators and barriers, and focus on important partnerships that catalyzed the success of the scale-up process. Government commitment was quintessential to the accomplishments in Vietnam, therefore it is with great excitement that the presenters for this webinar will be:

- Dr. Huyen Dang, Vietnam National Expanded Program on Immunization (NEPI)

- Dr. Nga Nguyen Tuyet, Vietnam Country Director

- Sang Dao Dinh, Vietnam Project Officer.

The format of the webinar will include an informational presentation, an interview with key NEPI and PATH staff members, and followed by a Q&A session. This webinar will present the findings discussed in the IDEAL-Vietnam project’s lessons learned case study that will also be released in February. You can find regularly updated project documents and information on our homepage (https://ideal.technet-21.org/).

Register here


4 years ago

Hi everyone! The material of the IDEAL webinar on "Scaling-up a successful project on electronic IIS" is now available: 


If you have any further question related to this topic, please contact [email protected] and I'll put you in touch with the relevant partners. 

And don't forget to go and visit their web page where more documents will be added in the near future: https://ideal.technet-21.org/ 

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