
E-learning module on Immunization Coverage Data

This course will enhance staff understanding of immunization data systems and how to use data to make decisions that lead to higher immunization performance.


  • English

Publication year





  • Data


  • Coverage monitoring
  • Data quality
  • Training

Topic references


Assessing and Improving the Accuracy of Target Population Estimates for Immunization CoverageWorld Health Organization (WHO)GuidanceEnglish
Civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS)World Health Organization (WHO)RepositoryEnglish
Data Quality Review (DQR) ToolkitWorld Health Organization (WHO)RepositoryEnglish
E-learning module on Immunization Coverage DataUNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)2020TrainingEnglish
Global Immunization SummaryWorld Health Organization (WHO)RepositoryEnglish
Guidelines for Accurate and Transparent Health Estimates Reporting (GATHER)GATHERRepositorySpanish
Immunization in Practice. Module 6. Monitoring and SurveillanceWorld Health Organization (WHO)2015GuidanceEnglish
Practical `How-to’ guides for vaccination coverage surveysWorld Health Organization (WHO)RepositoryEnglish
Practical Guide for the Design, Use, and Promotion of Home-Based Records in Immunization ProgrammesWorld Health Organization (WHO)2015GuidanceEnglish, French
The immunization data quality audit (DQA) procedureWorld Health Organization (WHO)2003ToolEnglish
The immunization data quality self-assessment (DQS) toolWorld Health Organization (WHO)2005ToolEnglish
Using PATH’s Vaccine Cost Calculators to inform immunization decision-makingPATH2021PresentationEnglish
WHO recommendations on home-based records for maternal, newborn and child healthWorld Health Organization (WHO)2018GuidanceEnglish, French
World Health Organization Vaccination Coverage Cluster Surveys: Reference ManualWorld Health Organization (WHO)2018GuidanceEnglish

Added by: Géraldine Nemrod

Added on: 2020-10-28 02:27:36

Hits: 1549